These suggestions for Budget Meals will help you kick off the new year with a money saving menu plan for dinner for each day of the month. Save money and time with a plan for meals.
Well, here we are at year's end like no other. What a year it has been and I think we are all ready to say hello to a new year.
If saving money or being more organized is a goal, then making a mondy saving meal plan is going to really help you.
I find that weekly meal planning is a great way to stay within the grocery budge and reduce food waste. It also helps avoid eating fast food as often as I do at times.
Today I am sharing a 31 day Monthly Menu Plan Printable that you can use to plan your weekly menu. It offeres a month worth of quick meals to help you in your menu planning efforts to kick off the new year.
But before we get to that, I want to share a few of my best tips for making a Money Saving Meal plan.
Budget Meal Menu Planning Tips
- Plan your meals around your local grocery store sales while considering your food budget.
- Know what vegetables and fruits are in season during the spring, summer, fall and winter so you can use fresh produce in recipes. Produce is usually very reasonable when in season.
- Double recipes when you can and use the second batch as freezer meals to enjoy later.
- Freeze meats, fruits and vegetables when you get then at a good price.
- The easiest way to save money is to incorporate leftover ingredients in a new way to avoid waste.
- Plan meals once a week or once a month - whatever day of the week that works for you.
- Make a grocery shopping list before going to the market and try to buy a whole week's worth of groceries so you aren't making fewer trips. Set a grocery budget so that you don't overspend.
- Make a recipe binder or an online folder for recipes you want to try. For me, I find Pinterest is the best way to bookmark recipes.
- Try making different versions of your favorite recipes. It is an easy way to come upf with different meals.
- Try making your meals in a slow cooker or instant pot to save some time.
- Buy in bulk when it makes since. Ground beef, Chicken breasts and eggs are often really good deals when purchased in larger quantities.
Budget Meals for January
All of these dinner ideas are budget-friendly recipes.
All you need to do is type in the title of the recipe in the search bar below and press search.
You can just print this calendar of a month of meals by right clicking this link and sending it to a printer. =>. 31 Day Meal Plan .
Pplanning meals for the coming week can save you lot of money off your grocery bill, it just takes a little time to plan.
To help you with your budget meal planning, I am sharing a free meal planning template.
If you found this menu helpful, please consider sharing or pinning it as it helps others see our site.
If you would like to find more tips on meal planning, be sure to check out my Meal Planning in Minutes book. It is available on my site and on Amazon,
In the book, there are sections on:
- How to build your first meal plan and start building from there.
- How to find the best recipes online and offline.
- Suggestions to cook an ingredient once and then use it in leftovers.
- Calculating your savings once you start meal planning - even if you just cook a couple of times a week.
- What you need to consider nutritional and dietary needs in building a plan.
- How to save even more money when grocery shopping.
We hope you enjoyed these Budget Meals ideas, If you are not yet subscribing to my CELEBRATE THE SEASON newsletter, you can subscribe here. I share a new recipe each week that can help you in your menu planning.
Tamara Bowman
The time of year calls for it! We have yet to successfully meal plan, but you laid it out so perfectly.
Thanks Tamara!
Your meal plan sounds delicious! Pinned.
Sarah @ The DIY Mommy
Always looking for "new to us" meals that are cost effective! Lots of good choices!